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Dear Reader,

Michelle Laurent

I’m blissfully married and love being with my kids. I’m a fabulous cook. I like to keep a clean house because it makes me think better. I love to watch old movies. I read a lot. I don’t sleep as much as I should but that’s because my mind likes to be active. Many of the characters I write about woke me up from sleeping!


Through the years, writing took a back seat to everything else mostly because I didn’t want to risk being an author. I wasn’t sure anyone would like what I wrote and didn’t want to be poor. I was tired of never having any money and panicking at the grocery checkout line. Writing was illogical. I chose a more logical path earning a living in financial services. Luckily, my husband and kids never tired of bedtime “made-up stories!” For me, those became a great creative outlet. I would ramble, they’d lean in, and I was delighted! When my oldest son announced he hated reading in first grade I said “No, make peace with reading. If you don’t you’ll never travel to all the fabulous places your imagination is just waiting to take you to, and I so don’t want you to miss it!"


When a local University offered a Master’s Degree in Writing,  I contemplated the very real desire to be illogical and write. With the encouragement of my husband and kids I took the plunge. 

Now, here I am writing from a special place that only seems to come from a winding, sometimes illogical path. I write poetry, children’s picture books, middle grade and young adult fiction. 


Thanks for visiting.




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